Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service is registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006. To be eligible for admission as a voting member, the applicant must meet the eligibility criteria set out in the DYHSAC Rule Book. The Rule Book sets out the Corporation’s aims, objectives and governance structures and is an important document for all members and directors of the corporation.
Members are given the opportunity to interact with DYHS and the Board throughout the year via various channels:
- Community newsletters are sent to members to keep them up to date with what’s happening at Derbarl
- Community engagement meetings are held throughout the year at different venues across the metropolitan area to give members an opportunity to meet the Board and share their input on community issues
- DYHS holds its Annual General Meeting for members in November of each year and a Notice of Meeting is sent to all members.
Applications for membership are welcome – find the application form here.
Further information about membership can be obtained by contacting the Board Secretariat.
If you are a current member and need to update your details, please complete and return a Member Updated Contact Details form here: